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Welcome to Astro tips!

The place for content that goes beyond the official docs, for all Astronauts!

Find community resources

No more searching through blogs, it’s centralized here! With credits of course.

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Found something interesting we don’t have already? We want to know about it!

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Learn new tips and tricks about Astro and share any you pick up!

Help people discover gems

Grab your pickaxe! We going digging!

Why Astro Tips?

Astro Docs is a wonderful resource if you have a Astro site. We do suggest to always go there first at see if you find what you are looking for. Astro Tips is born as an addition to Astro Docs, we try to gather more advanced, unusual, experimental, and community written recipes, tutorials, and quick tips.

How to use Astro Tips?

You have a Astro site and already have something very specific in mind you want to add, e.g. sending emails, adding advanced animations, adding advanced forms. After checking Astro docs for a solution, you can use Astro Tips to find just that. We do have categories and a search for everything we offer.

Want to get involved?

We are still looking for help. If you have an idea, your own blog, or even just code snippets, we would like to get them. Please submit a PR, you can write something, cross-post existing content or just add a link inside the community resource content collection. In addition to joining the Astro Discord, you can also join the Astrolicious Discord, to get notified about new ideas and chat with us, how you can help us the best.

We’re currently writing our Astrolicious contribution guides, which you can already read. But until we think they are ready, you can also refer to Astro Docs Docs.